What is Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is performed when the results of the first nose job are not satisfactory. A bad result in rhinoplasty signifies failure in either the aesthetic or functional aspects of the procedure.

The majority of surgeons are in agreement that rhinoplasty is among the most difficult operations in plastic surgery. There are many different reasons for this. The structure of your nose is rather intricate, and it has a prominent location in the center of your face.

A developed rhinoplasty aims to fix any irregularities in your nose while still maintaining the highest possible level of nasal function. It is impossible to have a nice-looking nose without first maximizing the function of the nasal airways.

If you think to have this surgery, you may challenge the skills and experience of your surgeon. Assoc. Prof. Fatih Mehmet Hanege is one of the best revision rhinoplasty specialists you can ever meet.

When to Consider Revision Rhinoplasty?

Following the initial rhinoplasty, it might take approximately two years for all of the edema and any slight differences in shape to normalize. It may take more than a year for the scar tissue to begin to relax. Cause fully hardened scars may prohibit your surgeon from performing any adjustments.

Because of this, if you think to get a revision rhinoplasty, it is essential to have patience and enable your nose to fully heal before seeking a secondary application. Only then should you consider attempting to alter its appearance.

The main reasons behind the decision to have revision rhinoplasty are as follows:

  • An unevenly shaped nose
  • An blockage of the nasal airway
  • Cartilage or bones that have collapsed
  • Unfinished restoration
  • Pinched nasal tip
  • Excessive scarring
  • Unnatural look
  • Droopy nose tip

If you try to have revision rhinoplasty performed before your nose has sufficient time to heal correctly, the results might be quite disappointing, which is certainly not what you want to get out of the treatment.

You may make an informed decision about whether or not to proceed with revision surgery by looking at rhinoplasty before and after images and patients as well as reading testimonials written by those patients.

Differences Between Revision Rhinoplasty and Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty might be more time-consuming and intricate than the first operation. Due to the presence of scar tissue and past modifications to the natural structure, it can take up to twice as long as the first treatment, which lasts between one and two hours.

Therefore, deciding to proceed with rhinoplasty revision surgery is a significant option that should not be made lightly. However, a skilled facial physician may readily rectify frequent errors made during an initial operation by an inexperienced surgeon.

Problems can arise anywhere on the nose, including the center, and the tip. You make a consultation with your surgeon to develop a surgery plan that precisely suits your needs.

In order to repair damaged cartilage from the first treatment and to provide structural strength for the nose tip and/or bridge, cartilage transplants are frequently necessary during revision surgeries.

In many cases of rhinoplasty revision, the primary goal is to reconstruct the tip and bridge using cartilage from the ears or septum. Depending on the patient's particular circumstances, the treatment may also entail sculpting, repositioning, or removal of nasal bones.

Advantages of Secondary Rhinoplasty

The surgeons advise their patients to carefully think about the advantages of a nose job revision against the all potential results of the procedure and to base their decisions on this information.

Although they are unable to provide any assurance that a revision rhinoplasty would resolve all problems, the following 3 factors are the main aims and advantages that can be expected if all goes according to plan:

1.   Revision rhinoplasty operations can improve nose abnormalities caused by structural deficiencies or medical problems.

2.   An attractive nose that does not function adequately is pointless. Increasing nasal function is frequently the most significant advantage of nose job revision.

3.   It might be upsetting when, after lots of money and a lengthy recuperation, your nose job does not produce the desired results. Revision rhinoplasty can be a chance for individuals to reach their aesthetic goals.

Besides all the details about the procedure, of course, you are wondering how much revision rhinoplasty is. Just like the rhinoplasty cost, the price in revision varies according to the scope of the surgery and the procedures performed.

With the expertise of Assoc. Prof. Fatih Mehmet Hanege, you can have one of the safest and highest quality revision surgeries in Turkey. Please contact us for detailed information.