8 Things to Avoid After Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgery used to enhance the nose's structure, facial appearance, and airflow. It is often known as a nose job. Numerous factors influence the effectiveness of rhinoplasty, including pre-procedure care, the quality of the surgeon, and post-operative care.

There are various types of rhinoplasty operations, with "open" and "closed" surgeries being the two most typically done. Both treatments include surgical cuts, but other parts differ based on your specific demands and anatomical structure.

The open rhinoplasty approach is marginally more invasive, but it provides the surgeon with greater access, allowing for more extensive repairs. Closed one involves a tiny incision within the nose to prevent a visible scar and is often performed on patients seeking less invasive nose repairs.

In all types of rhinoplasty surgeries, it is important to evaluate your goals with your surgeon and determine the best method for you. In addition, you should know well dos and don'ts rhinoplasty before and after. In this article, you will find out what to avoid after nose job. With Assoc. Dr. Fatih Mehmet Hanege's experience and approach to his patients, you can have information from A to Z about the whole process. Also, we are sure that you will get the answer to the question of who is the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey.

Key Aspects for an Effective Rhinoplasty

There are some things you need to follow in order to increase the chances of success of rhinoplasty surgery and to minimize the possibilities of body reactions such as swelling and bleeding after the operation. The following situations show the dont's after rhinoplasty:

1) Heavy Excercises

Your surgeon will instruct you to avoid the gym and strenuous activities for many weeks after application. Especially during the first two weeks following nose reshaping surgery, keep away from any physically demanding things, including lifting heavy weights, jogging, aerobic workouts, running, and high-impact walking.

Beginning in the third week, the majority of patients are able to resume their physical activity. However, this should be strictly subject to your plastic surgeon's evaluation. Swimming is also on your ban list for approximately two months after rhinoplasty. Your nose must remain dry until the plaster cast is removed. If you participate in contact sports such as basketball, you should abstain for three to six months.

2) Blowing Nose

The need to blow your nose arises when you get an infection, cold, or influenza virus. Since this can be extremely harmful to individuals who have just had rhinoplasty, you must routinely wash your hands and stay away from anybody who may be sick.

Some patients feel better at ease bringing hand sanitizer with them so that they can eliminate bacteria in their immediate surroundings. Take the best care of yourself to avoid contracting a disease during the initial weeks of recuperation.

3) Taking Shower

The plaster cast on your nose must be kept completely dry until it is removed. In light of this, you should avoid the shower. However, you can bathe the remainder of your body and use a moist towel to wipe your face. No matter how you choose to clean your nose, you must ensure that the operation site remains dry.

4) Wearing Glasses

During rhinoplasty healing, if you use glasses, you need to take them off for a certain time. The impact of glasses on the softening tissue and cartilage of the bridge of the nose might be unfavorable. Consider experimenting with contact lenses, if required.

5) Insolation

If you like catching the sunlight, bad news. You should keep away from the sun after a nose job surgery. Even after the removal of your bandages, your nose is still sensitive, and exposure to the sun may cause discoloration or raise the risk of some issues. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen and wear a hat to shield your surgical region from the sun during your recovery.

6) Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco

The majority of surgeons evaluate that smoking and drinking alcohol as high-risk behaviors for patients recuperating from any type of surgery. Tobacco is believed to limit blood flow and hinder healthy recovery. Besides that, alcohol interacts with drugs and thins the blood, which might result in severe bleeding. Therefore, avoid these bad habits of yours for the first month following rhinoplasty, if you have.

7) Wearing Make-up

Particularly women patients may feel the urge to conceal the bruises around the nose and eyes by applying cosmetics. During the first weeks following your rhinoplasty operation, you should avoid your makeup things to allow for proper recovery. It might cause difficulties in healing skin and raise the risk of infection.

8) Touching the Nose

After rhinoplasty, it is ok for you to be inquisitive about how your nose looks and feels. During the recovery period, it is not advisable to bump, press, or touch your nose. This may affect the nasal tissues, cause pain, or even ruin the effects of your nose job. It is essential to cover the surgical site from anything that might add pressure or cause damage.

If you are one of the candidates for Rhinoplasty in Turkey, you must be wondering about the cost of rhinoplasty as well as the information in this article.

Rhinoplasty costs vary according to the experience of your surgeon and the scope of your surgery. For all this information and more, come to Assoc. Dr. Fatih Mehmet Hanege's highly equipped clinic. You can reach us at our contact information.