Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty

If you want to have rhinoplasty surgery, you are aware of the importance of having knowledge about the operation. The purpose of this procedure, which has 2 separate procedures as open and closed rhinoplasty, is to improve the appearance of your nose aesthetically, as well as to provide a functional improvement.

After reading this article and having knowledge about the procedures, you will need an experienced surgeon and a good clinician. With the consultation you will make with Dr. Fatih Mehmet Hanege, you can learn the most suitable surgery plan for you, and you can get the nose of your dreams as soon as possible.

Reasons to Have Open or Closed Nose Jobs

Many patients are dissatisfied with the nose they were born with, while others want to rectify abnormalities to their nose caused by events such as sports injuries or vehicle accidents. Depending of the procedure applied, the following are the most common reasons people want nose job.

  • Their noses are not the right size or proportion to their face (A nose that is too big or too small)
  • Those protruding on the bridge of the nose,
  • Those who have a wide noses for their face,
  • Those whose nose tip is swollen, protruding, drooping, or excessively large,
  • Those whose nostrils are too wide or too narrow,
  • Those with a curved or asymmetrical nose,
  • People with respiratory problems

Differences Between Open and Closed Rhinoplasty

The most decisive difference between open and closed rhinoplasty is in the incisions. The number and breadth of interventions your surgeon will perform distinguish the two approaches. In the open technique, there is a wide viewing angle and a small incision is made in the middle of the nostrils, in the section called the columella, to lift the nasal skin. This area is then sutured with a special material that disappears on its own and does not leave any traces after healing.

In the closed nose job technique, your surgeon does not make an external incision. Necessary changes are made with the incisions made from the inside. It is less invasive but provides limited access to the surgeon. Both procedures have certain advantages of their own. The main differences between them can be briefly listed as follows:

  • The recovery time is shorter in the closed technique,
  • There may be relatively more bruising and swelling after open rhinoplasty,
  • Open rhinoplasty needs more time,
  • Scars are less obvious after closed nose job,
  • Open rhinoplasty provides the surgeon with a better view and a more successful intervention.

Advantages of Open Rhinoplasty Surgery

In open rhinoplasty, your nose structure can be examined in detail. Each patient's anatomy is different from the others, and it takes a lot of work to determine what to do with the person's nose. Therefore, it is very important for the surgeon to move comfortably for an operation where such small touches are made.

In some cases, cartilage grafting may be required to reconstruct the nose bridge and the nose tip. It is much simpler to perform this procedure in a rhinoplasty performed with an open approach.

Advantages of Closed Rhinoplasty Technique

Minor changes and improvements are usually made in rhinoplasty surgeries performed with a closed approach. All of the incisions are internal, that is, endonasal. The probability of leaving scars on your skin after this operation is very low.

Since the duration of closed rhinoplasty is shorter, less anesthesia is needed for your operation. The duration of the operation varies from about half an hour to one and a half hours. You can go back to your daily life within 1 week after the surgery. The chances of you experiencing any complications are also very low.

Open and Closed Rhinoplasty Post-op Care

The care you will apply after the nose job will be very effective on the results of the surgery, so it is very important to listen to your surgeon's instructions. The things you need to pay attention to after rhinoplasty with the open and closed techniques are almost the same.

  • Apply cold compresses at regular intervals a day to reduce swelling and bruising on your face,
  • Avoid tilting your head too much.
  • Try to keep your head elevated while sleeping,
  • Avoid heavy exercises (especially during the first week),
  • Limit or take a break from your smoking and alcohol consumption,
  • Try to drink lots of water,
  • Use a straw when consuming liquids,
  • Do not consume hard foods,
  • Stay away from people with flu infections,
  • Open your mouth to avoid putting pressure on your nose while sneezing.

Conclusion: Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty, Which one is Better?

Understanding which nose job method will be more successful, as we have explained throughout this article, depends on different factors such as the structure of your nose, what you need, your expectations, and therefore the size of the changes you want. You can meet with your surgeon and talk about the pros and cons of both rhinoplasty approaches, and you can choose to trust his experience.

Besides all this information, Dr. Fatih Mehmet Hanege promises you the safest and most successful rhinoplasty surgery. Please contact us via our contact information.