Breathing After Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that improves the function and aesthetic appearance of the nose for a healthier structure.

Nose job is mostly known as a safe and high-success rate plastic surgery. However, it is necessary to have detailed information about the process before having rhinoplasty. The pre-operative period is as important as the post-op period.

In this article, you will find information about your respiratory quality after rhinoplasty and you will have an idea about how to breathe after the procedure. Of course, as a result of the instructions you receive from your doctor, it is possible to minimize possible side effects and risks. If you make a free consultation with Dr. Fatih Mehmet Hanege, you can find out what awaits you after a nose job.

Like some patients, you may already have a breathing issue. Therefore, this is probably the reason why you prefer rhinoplasty. If the nasal septum, the cartilage tissue that divides the nostrils into right and left, is greatly curved, this prevents airflow and makes breathing difficult. This discomfort is called "septum deviation". When a deformity or trauma to your nose disrupts your breathing, you may face other problems such as ligament pain and sinusitis.

When will I be able to breathe after Rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty, swelling and inflammation may occur in your operation area for a while. Therefore, you may have breathing problems during the process. You may be mouth breathing for a while. This will lose its effect over time as signs of improvement begin in your nose.

If your surgeon used non-dissolvable stitches, he/she may request an examination shortly after surgery to remove those sutures and your tampon. This appointment also evaluates how your rhinoplasty recovery period is going. A few weeks after the procedure, you can breathe easier through your nose.

Things to Consider After Rhinoplasty

Having a good recovery period after nose job directly affects the success of your operation. There are some things you can do to make your nose the way you imagine and for your own comfort:

  • Keep your head elevated while sleeping. Thus, you can prevent excessive swelling on your face and your respiratory function may be more comfortable.
  • Apply cold compresses to the surgical area at regular intervals throughout the day. It is recommended to be done for a few days, especially immediately after the operation.
  • Avoid wearing glasses for at least 1 month after your nose is just reshaped. There are special apparatuses that do not put pressure on your nose but can hold your glasses on your face.
  • As with almost every surgical operation, don't have any heavy and strenuous exercises for a few months during the rhinoplasty healing process. Your doctor tells you when you can go back to your routine activities.
  • One of the most important factors in the period before and after rhinoplasty is to stay away from smoking. If you smoke, your healing time may be longer and your risk of infection may increase. In addition, it should not be forgotten that it is a subject that most doctors show sensitivity to.

If you have any complaints despite following these instructions, you should definitely request an additional consultation from your surgeon.

Good Candidates for a Rhinoplasty

Difficulty breathing may seem like a cause in itself, but there are other factors to consider.Almost anyone can be a good candidate for rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, as long as they are in good overall health and have realistic expectations for the outcome of the surgery.

However, people with certain medical conditions, such as a weakened immune system or uncontrolled diabetes, may not be suitable candidates for a nose job. As mentioned above, it is important to consult with a board certified surgeon to determine if rhinoplasty is right for you. They are able to assess your specific needs and determine the best course of action.

What Should Nutrition Be Like After Rhinoplasty?

The process you go through after rhinoplasty is decisive both on your results and whether you experience problems such as breathing. Nutrition is one of these factors. Your doctor advises you on alimentation during your recovery period.

Generally, it is recommended to eat soft, and easily absorbable diets for the first few days after surgery. For example, you can consume foods that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats, such as a light soup or yogurt.

Also, it is important to drink plenty of water so that your body is adequately hydrated. If you are taking pain medications after surgery, you should be careful as these drugs can disrupt the digestive system.

If you are experiencing digestive system problems with painkillers, you can reduce your medication dosage or use alternative pain medication in consultation with your doctor. Your doctor gives you the most appropriate recommendations about how long you should continue to eat lightly after rhinoplasty surgery.


Being a rhinoplasty candidate is not just something you think about to make your nose look better. In this article, we especially touched upon the issues that patients with respiratory difficulties may need. The results of nose job surgeries, just like the expectations of the patients, can vary from case to case. When everything goes well in the operation and the patient does his/her part afterward, it is very difficult to encounter any negativity.

Dr. Fatih Mehmet Hanege proves his experience in the field of rhinoplasty with numerous positive patient feedbacks. He is waiting for you in his clinic to provide a safe and high-quality surgery period. Please reach us via our contact information.