How to Reduce Swelling after Rhinoplasty?

Edema formation is an expected condition after rhinoplasty surgery and is encountered in almost all patients. Intense bruising and swelling are observed, especially around the eyes, within a week after the operation. These bruises and swelling, which increase on the second and third days, usually disappear spontaneously within a week. The healing and swelling process after rhinoplasty varies from person to person. Since the subcutaneous tissues are intervened during the operation, edema is seen during the healing of these tissues and the upper skin. In fact, edema is part of the recovery process. The edema, which decreases from the first week, disappears completely within approximately 6 months to 1 year. More and prolonged edema occurs in patients with thicker skin. However, whatever happens, these are temporary and usual complications. Therefore, patients must have patience, especially about the edema, during the recovery process.

Your doctor will help you to reduce the edema that occurs after rhinoplasty surgery faster. During the healing process, cold compresses are frequently used to relieve edema. Cold compress application will also shrink the thin vessels that will cause bleeding and prevent all bruises that may be seen later. Cold compress is not only beneficial against edema but also has a pain-relieving effect.

After leaving the hospital, patients can also eliminate edema, swelling, and bruising with the application of ice packs at home. While doing this, be sure to put a cloth or towel between the ice pack and the skin. Otherwise, you may injure your nose. In addition, eating less salty foods will also reduce the effect of edema. For this reason, you should avoid salty meals and especially junk foods such as chips in the first weeks. It is a classic but very effective method to sleep with your head elevated to prevent the increase in edema, so try sleeping with a double pillow.

In short, it is inevitable to encounter bruising and swelling even though it is undesirable, especially after rhinoplasty operations performed using the open technique. This situation, which is extremely normal and expected, can disappear faster with a few methods applied by the patient and the doctor. These are temporary complications that tend to go away spontaneously within a week or two. You can also do the massage recommended by your doctor to reduce edema.